Search is a key component to the visibility of your business.  On average, 70% of consumers either made a contact, visit or purchase from a business after conducing a search, according to a recent study by Localogy.[1]

Save money and time by building out a strategic search plan to capture the audience looking for your specific service or product.  Here are some tips on how to reach active searchers and win business from these highly qualified leads.

Starting with Content

The primary purpose of a search engine is to generate relevant answers to a query. As such, content generally has the biggest impact on a website’s SEO (search engine optimization) success.

Frequently posting high-quality and relevant content helps builds trust and authority in your space. What do we mean by relevant content? Blogs, videos, photos; anything that speaks to the needs of your audience and answers many frequently asked questions. Without this content, clicking to your site won’t make sense for the audience searching.


Location, Location, Location! Whenever possible, infuse references to location in your content to help build authority and drive local traffic to your site.  Google factors in location when ranking listings.

Layer on Pay-Per-Click (Search Engine Marketing or SEM)

In addition to organic search, consider buying ads in the top search results (a pay-per-click campaign) to help improve visibility of your business.

With pay-per click (PPC) marketing, you bid on keyword searches relevant to your business and target customer. Finding the right keywords takes practice, but it will pay off with fast visibility if generating a strategy around Share of Voice (SOV), where you “own” a percentage of the category and get your ad placed in top results.


Percentages to dominate SOV vary across industries. Consider consulting with an SEM specialist on your business goals to ensure that you get appropriate SOV and generate a return on investment for your paid efforts. We are here to help. Click here to contact us.

Add Consumer Trusted Rankings, Like Google My Business

Engaging customers on Google is easy when you start simply with Google My Business (GMB).

An important component of GMB is the business ranking, which crowd sources a star ranking (one through five) for your business and publishes it within your profile as it appears in search. You can also review and reply to customer reviews and help resolve any negative reviews that may be posted. This will help you build on customer trust and encourage prospective clients to reach out.

You may also find the platform’s robust analytics to be helpful in your pay-per-click efforts. GMB allows you to review the search queries that customers are using to find your Business Profile. Using this information, you can optimize your paid campaign to improve results.

Building your online presence can be less time consuming and less frustrating if you know where to start. Put your best foot forward with these helpful tips and know you can lean on our team of search experts if you need any help!