As a business, what you do to support your community in the time of crisis can speak volumes. And, telling your story in the right environment matters.

The coronavirus has turned the world upside down. The economy. Travel. Education. Healthcare. Even the ordinary in our daily lives has taken on new meaning. But this is New Jersey and when the story of our nation’s recovery from the pandemic is written, we know our state and our citizens will have played a starring role.

#TogetherNJ on

Recognizing New Jersey’s thriving spirit, NJ Advance Media launched a project on called #TogetherNJ to tell the story of the people and businesses who found a way to make things even a little better for friends, neighbors or strangers during this time of crisis. It’s about people showing love in big and small ways … people who did things they didn’t have to do … people who found a way to bring a little hope to our days.


These positive stories, told by, offer an opportunity for businesses to align their brand and tell their own stories within the context of truly inspirational acts. It’s important to note, and it’s supported by comScore research, when your message is delivered in a premium publisher environment, such as, your brand will be perceived more favorably – The Halo Effect.

The Halo Effect is a cognitive bias in which an observer’s overall impression of a company, brand, or product influences the observer’s feelings and thoughts about other companies, brands, or products associated with it.

So, we developed #TogetherNJ sponsorship opportunities for New Jersey businesses to support this incredibly important journalistic venture. Sponsors have the opportunity to tell their story through a combination of display advertising on #TogetherNJ content and sponsor content.

We thank Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield, our April presenting sponsor along with supporting sponsors including Procure Proton Therapy Center, Trinitas Regional Medical Center, Trinity Dominion and Investors Bank. We applaud your efforts.

Visit and be inspired. And, be in touch if you’re interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities with NJ Advance Media.