Millennials—the generation born from the 1980s to 2000s—have entered the workforce. When it comes to what they are looking for in a career, they are not much different than the generations before them. They look for the same security and variety in their careers. They want to work for an organization they can be proud of. They have every intention of remaining loyal to the organization they choose and hope for a continued career path. When it comes to how they are looking for a career, you’ll get a very different answer than generations before them. Here are 5 ways you can effectively reach this important group of potential recruits.

Engage with them

Millennials have grown up in a world filled with electronics, the Internet, and the ever-changing social media networks. Engage with them through the platforms they are currently using every day, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Studies have shown that 92% of companies are using social media for hiring—and that three out of four hiring managers will check out a candidate’s social profiles.1

Keep your webpage and social media outlets up-to-date

Nothing screams “we don’t care about our company” more than an outdated website or a twitter feed that hasn’t been touched in months. If you can’t demonstrate that you care about your business then why should a potential new employee? In addition to keeping your online presence fresh, make sure your website is mobile-friendly.Nearly 90% of job seekers use a mobile device to find a new career opportunity.2

Sell yourself

Today, we are living in a candidate-centric market, meaning companies are putting more time into selling themselves to candidates as opposed to holding all the cards like they have in the past. Millennials are looking for companies with a solid reputation, strong community presence, a transparent work/life balance and clear goals. It’s all about branding!  80% of talent acquisition managers believe that employer branding has a significant impact on the ability to hire great talent.3

Build a relationship

So the candidate you put through the wringer didn’t pan out as expected. It happens! Do not brush them off—keep that relationship. Millennials are the first to tell their friends and co-workers about an experience they had with an interview process, negative or positive. Make their experience a good one. Word of mouth goes a long way!

Do not be afraid of technology

Technology is growing at a quick pace, and recruiters must adapt if they are going to meet the demands of this generation. Web interviews are no longer a thing of the future—they are the present. In fact, video technology is being used by 60% of hiring managers and recruiters. A survey of 506 companies showed 47% use video interviewing to shorten the hiring timeframe, and 22% would consider it for interviewing candidates that aren’t local.4  Using a video interview can go hand in hand with office branding. Millennials connect video interviewing with a company that is up-to-date and moving forward with technology.

Want a custom recruitment campaign built around your business’ needs? Contact us and we’ll help you find your ideal employee.

