A major national hearing device retailer, with more than 400 U.S. clinics among multiple brands, looked to our team to take their marketing into the digital age. With a history of newspaper and offline direct mail advertising, the company challenged us to prove that cost per acquisition could be significantly lowered through an integrated digital strategy. The primary KPI: a goal was set to reduce cost per appointment by 30-40%.

First task, prove the strategy among 40 priority clinics representing multiple geographies, then scale across the country.


First up was to build the foundation. A complete overhaul of the retailer’s primary brand website including a focus on site structure, a user-friendly content management system, onsite and offsite foundational SEO and an improved user experience optimized for conversion, were put in place.

Next, an aggressive in-market SEM strategy was put in place supplemented with targeted direct mail, social posting and paid social advertising strategies along with display re-messaging. Continual optimization, refining the strategy and carefully moving media investments between channels to achieve the greatest ROI, was the key to success.


After just 6 months of the pilot digital program, cost per appointment was reduced by 31% compared to traditional offline media channels.

• Increased lead volume through digital channels by 177%

• Increased social reach by 122%

• Increased organic traffic to local listings by 41%


Next up, our digital experts are applying the strategy to additional brands in additional geographies.


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