A cosmetic surgeon specializing in all aspects of facial rejuvenation and body contouring wanted to extend his brand awareness and generate more patient leads. The doctor sought a fresh approach to connect with specific audience targets that are most apt to desire a nip or tuck to improve their appearance and restore their youthfulness.


  • Build brand awareness
  • Generate new leads


Our digital marketing experts consulted with the doctor to understand his practice specialties and specific goals to increase his client base for key procedures. The team recommended a social media campaign to reach the client’s core audience and make an emotional connection within the comfort zone of their online social environment.

Our social media experts developed effective social ads, some including custom video, to promote each of his key procedures. The social campaign incorporated two types of ads: 1) traffic-based ads to drive prospects to the doctor’s website and 2) lead generation ads to deliver interested prospects’ contact information immediately to the doctor’s email for rapid follow up.

The use of Facebook pixels helped track visitors to the client’s website in order to

1) Remessage website visitors

2) Create target audiences based on interest in website pages visited

3) Create lookalike audiences to mimic the attributes of those who have visited the client’s website in the past.


  • 90 Leads Generated

The social lead generation ads helped deliver exclusive leads from interested prospects directly to the doctor’s email in real time.

  • Consultations Booked

Qualified leads followed through and made an appointment for a consultation with the doctor.

  • Exceptional Click Through Rates

Exceeded industry average by 77%

  • New Website Visitors Increased

Web traffic driven by social presence increased 424% vs previous time period.


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